Agencies & Partnerships at MCSA

Behavioral Health
The Robert Young Center operates an Integrated Health Home in MCSA’s lower level.
Affiliated with UnityPoint Health–Trinity Muscatine, the Robert Young Center provides a full range of behavioral health services for adults and children.
For an appointment, call 309-779-2100
Click here to visit the website.

Peer Drop-In Center
The Drop-In Center is a collaboration project located at MCSA, staffed by employees from Robert Young Center, and funded by the Eastern Iowa Mental Health and Disability Services Region.
No appointment is needed to attend. All services are free and confidential. Trained professionals are available for care coordination, group discussions, activities, and individualized case management.
Please call 563-264-3278 to learn more.

Medical Clinic
Meet with a Nurse Practitioner for health & wellness evaluations, check-ups, prescription needs, signing up for insurance, and more. Walk-ins are welcome!
When: Thursdays 10:00am-12:00pm
Where: The lower level at MCSA, 312 Iowa Avenue
For more information please call 563-327-2140